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发布人:系统管理员  发布时间:2012-06-03   浏览次数:6042
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Research Interests
Professional Service
ASCE 高新技术应用委员会委员、及海外华人交通协会(COTA)会长。
个人简历 CV
  2002 年起在美国华盛顿大学(西雅图)任教,任终身教授、智能交通研究与应用实验室(STAR Lab)主任。
教学情况 Teaching
 科研项目 Fundings
  2010 年获得国家自然基金会海外合作基金: “基于多源检测数据的城市路网交通流主动式管理与控制理论研究”;
  2011年获得国家自然科学基金会重点项目: “基于现代检测技术的城市快速道路交通智能化管理理论研究”;
  已主持或参与主持了45 由美国环境保护署、联邦交通部等部门资助的科研项目,其中一项资助强度为3000 万美元。
论著成果 Accomplishments
科研奖励 Awards
授权专利 Patents
会议报告 Talks
1. Corey*, Jonathan, Yunteng Lao, Xin Xin, and Yinhai Wang. “Improving Intersection Performance with
 Left Turn Phase Reservice Strategies.” Proceedings of the 14th International IEEE Conference on
Intelligent Transportation Systems, Sept. 2012.
2.  Zhang*, Guohui, Jianyang Zheng*, and Yinhai Wang. “Numerical Examinations of Traffic Accident Characteristics
 Using Analytical Statistical Methods.” Proceedings of the 12th COTA International Conference of Transportation
Professionals (CICTP 2012). August 2012.
3. Ma*, Xiaolei, Runze Yu*, and Yinhai Wang. “Developing Regional Map-Based Platform for Spatial and
Temporal Assessment of Traffic Emission Inventory.” Proceedings of the 12th COTA International Conference of
Transportation Professionals (CICTP 2012). August 2012.
4.  Malinovskiy* and Yinhai Wang. “Pedestrian Travel Pattern Discovery Using Mobile Bluetooth Sensors.”
Preprint CD-ROM, the 91st Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Paper 12-2351. January 2012.
5.  Wu*, Yao-Jan, Mark Hallenbeck, and Yinhai Wang. “Impacts of Freeway Traffic Congestion on En-route Traveler's
 Diversion.” Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of Chinese Transportation
Professionals (ICCTP 2011). August 2011.
6.  Liu*, Xiaoyue, Guohui Zhang*, Yao-Jan Wu*, and Yinhai Wang. “Measurement of Quality of Service for High
Occupancy Toll Lane Operations.” Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 16, 2011, Pages 15-25.
7.  Manda, Harish, Ziqi Song, Yafeng Yin, and Yinhai Wang. “Comparison of Capacities of High-Occupancy-Vehicle
and General Purpose Lanes.” Prreprint CD-ROM, the 90th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board,
Paper 11-1476, 2011.
8. Zhang*, Guohui, Yao-Jan Wu*, Xiaoyue Liu*, and Yinhai Wang. “Impacts of High Occupancy Toll (HOT)
 Lane Operations on High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Travelers.” Proceedings of the
2010 IEEE ITS Conference, September 2010.
9. Ma*, Xiaolei, Guohui Zhang, Jonathan Corey, and Yinhai Wang. “A Pitfall to Avoid When Issuing Transit Signal
 Priority Treatments under Coordinated Control Strategies.” Proceedings of the 10th International Conference
of Chinese Transportation Professionals (ICCTP 2010). August 2010.
10. Malinovskiy*, Yegor, Yao-Jan Wu*, Yinhai Wang, and Un-Kun Lee. “Field Experiments on Bluetooth-based Travel
 Time Data Collection.” Preprint CD-ROM, the 89th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board,
Paper 10-3134. January 2010.
11. Miller, Gregory, Genevieve Farrar, Yinhai Wang, and Peter Mackenzie. “Low-Cost Vehicle Detection Based on Simple
 Light Sensing.” Preprint CD-ROM, the 89th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board,
Paper 10-2705. January 2010.
12. Liu*, Xiaoyue, Guohui Zhang*, Yao-Jan Wu*, and Yinhai Wang. “Analyzing System Performance for Washington
 State Route 167 High Occupancy Toll (HOT) Operations.” Preprint CD-ROM, the 89th Annual Meeting of
Transportation Research Board, Paper 10-2816. January 2010.
13. Wei, Heng, Yinhai Wang, Abi Mogharabi, and Qingyuan (Ken) Yang. “Identifying Alternative Routes with
 Integration of ITS into Traffic-Diversion Strategies.” Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of
Chinese Transportation Professionals (ICCTP 2009). August 2009.
14. Hwang, Hee-Jung, Un-Kun Lee, Kwang-Ryul Baek, Yao-Jan Wu*, and Yinhai Wang. “Stereo Image Processing
 Algorithm for Preceding Vehicle Detection Using Lane-Related Information.” Preprint CD-ROM, the 88th
Annual Meeting
of Transportation Research Board, Paper 09-0502. January 2009.
15. Zheng*, Jianyang, Xiaolei Ma*, Yinhai Wang, and Yi Ping. “Measuring Signalized Intersection Performances in
Real-Time with Traffic Sensors.” Preprint CD-ROM, the 88th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board,
Paper 09-3119. January 2009.
16. Wu*, Yao-Jan and Yinhai Wang. “Google-Map-Based Online Platform for Arterial Traffic Information and
 Analysis.” Preprint CD-ROM, the 89th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Paper 08-2944.
January 2008.
17.   Levy*, Atli, Yao-Jan Wu, and Yinhai Wang. “Accident Risk Modeling for Two-Lane Rural Roads in Washington
State.” Preprint CD-ROM, the 87th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Paper 08-2365. January 2008.
18. Xu, Tianze, Heng Wei, Yinhai Wang, and Anastasios M. Ioannides. “Modeling Capacity Reliability of Minor
Roads at At-Grade Un-Signalized Intersections for Potential Operational Performance Evaluation.”
Preprint CD-ROM, the 87th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Paper 08-978. January 2008.
19. Qian, Dalin, Yinhai Wang, Xiaohong Du, and Sansan Li. “Modeling the Micro-behavior Producing Interference
 between Bicycles and Vehicles at Intersections.” Proceedings CD-Rom of the 14th World Congress on
Intelligent Transportation Systems. Oct. 2007.
20. Wu*, Yao-Jan, Yinhai Wang, and Dalin Qian. “A Google-Map-Based Arterial Traffic Information System.”
 Proceedings of the 10th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 968-973, 2007.
21. Cheevarunothai*, Patikhom, James Marlon Mooney*, and Yinhai Wang. “Statistical and Queuing Analyses of
 Freeway Incidents in Washington State.” Proceedings of the 10th International IEEE Conference on
Intelligent Transportation Systems, 204-208, 2007.
22. Malinovskiy*, Y., Jianyang Zheng*, and Yinhai Wang. “A Simple and Model-Free Algorithm for Real-Time
 Pedestrian Detection and Tracking.” Preprint CD-ROM, the 86th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board,
 Paper 07-2941. January 2007.
23. Zheng*, Jianyang, Yinhai Wang, Hongchao Liu, and Mark Hallenbeck. “Modeling the Impact of Near-Side Bus
 Stop on Transit Delays at Transit Signal Priority Enabled Intersections.” Preprint CD-ROM, the 86th Annual Meeting
 of Transportation Research Board, Paper 07-2503. January 2007.
24. Zhang, Xiaoping, Nancy L. Nihan, and Yinhai Wang. “A Robust Algorithm for Improved Dual-Loop Detection
on Freeways.” Preprint CD-ROM, the 85th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Paper 06-1920.
January 2006.
25. Cheevarunothai*, Patikhom, Yinhai Wang, and Nancy L. Nihan. “Development of Advanced Loop Event Data
 Analyzer (ALEDA) for Investigations of Dual-Loop Detector Malfunctions.” Proceedings of the 12th World Congress
 of Intelligent Transportation Systems, paper 000662, November 2005.
26. Zheng*, Jianyang, Yinhai Wang, and Nancy L. Nihan. “Quantitative Evaluation of GPS Performance under Forest
 Canopies.” Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing, and Control. 777-782.
 Mar. 2005.
27. Avery*, Ryan P., Yinhai Wang, and Nancy L. Nihan. “A Region Growing Algorithm for Estimating Freeway
Traffic Speed from Single Loops.” Preprint CD-ROM, the 84th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board,
 Paper 05-2045. January 2005.
28. Avery*, Ryan P., Yinhai Wang, and G.S. Rutherford. “Length-Based Vehicle Classification Using Images from
 Uncalibrated Video Cameras.” Proceedings of the 7th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation
 Systems. 737-742. Oct. 2004.
29. Wang, Yinhai, and Nancy L. Nihan. “Dynamic Estimation of Freeway Speed Using Single-Loop Measurements.”
Proceedings of the 8th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Vol. VII, 396-401. July 2004.
30. Wang, Yinhai, and Nancy L. Nihan. “Quantitative analysis on angle-accident risk at signalized intersections.”
World Transport Research, Selected Proceedings of the 9th World Conference on Transport Research.
Pergamon Press. Oct. 2003. Seoul, Korea.
31. Salido, Javier, Masanori Nakahara, and Yinhai Wang. “An Analysis of Internet Reachability Using BGP Data.”
 Proceedings of the Third IEEE Workshop on Internet Applications (WIAPP 2003). June 2003, 10 -18.
32. Zheng*, Jianyang, Yinhai Wang, and Nancy L. Nihan. “Tracking Vehicles: Is GPS a Sufficient Solution?”
Proceedings of the 13th Annual Meeting of ITS America (CD-Rom). Paper 169. May 2003.
33. Zhang, Xiaoping, Yinhai Wang, and Nancy L. Nihan, “Investigation on Dual-Loop Errors Using Video
 Ground-Truth Data.” Proceedings of the 13th Annual Meeting of ITS America (CD-Rom). Paper 158. May 2003.
34. Wang, Yinhai, Xiaoping Zhang, and Nancy L. Nihan. “Monitoring Freeway Congestion Using Single Loop
Measurements.” Proceedings of the 12th Annual Meeting of ITS America (CD-Rom), Paper 68. May 2002.
35. Wang, Yinhai, Hitoshi Ieda. “Using Accident Observations to Evaluate Rear End Accident Risk at Four-Legged
 Signalized Intersections.” World Transport Research, Selected Proceedings of the 8th World Conference on
Transport Research, Vol. 2, 123-136, 1999.
36. Wang, Yinhai, Kiyoshi Takahashi, and Koji Saito. “A Study on the Fitness of Linear, Poisson and Negative Binomial
 Regression Models on Accident Frequency at Four-legged Signalized Intersections.” Proceedings of the
 Second Japan-China Bilateral Symposium on Safety and Environment Engineering, 132-137, Japan, 1997.
科研论文 Publications
1. Wang*, Yong, Xiaolei Ma*, Yunteng Lao*, Yinhai Wang, and Haijun Mao. “Vehicle Routing Problem: Simultaneous Deliveries and Pickups with Split Loads and Time Windows.” Transportation Research Record. In Press. Feb. 2013.
2. Liu*, Xiaoyue, Guohui Zhang*, Carmen Kwan, Yinhai Wang, and Brian Kemper. “Simulation-Based Scenario-Driven Integrated Corridor Management Strategy Analysis.” Transportation Research Record. In Press. Feb. 2013.
3. Zheng*, Jianyang, Yao-Jan Wu*, Xiaolei Ma*, Yinhai Wang. “Measuring Signalized Intersection Performances in Real-Time with Traffic Sensors.” Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. In Press. Jan. 2013.
4. Yu*, Runze, Yunteng Lao*, Xiaolei Ma*, and Yinhai Wang. “Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting for Improved Estimates of Freeway Incident Induced Delays.” Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. In Press. Jan. 2013.
5. Zhang*, Guohui, and Yinhai Wang. “Gaussian Kernel Based Approach for Modeling Vehicle Headway Distributions.” Transportation Science. In Press. Aug. 2012.
6.  Zhang*, Guohui and Yinhai Wang. “Optimizing Coordinated Ramp Metering � A Preemptive Hierarchical Control Approach.” Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. Vol. 28, 23-27, 2013.
7.  Hou*, Lin, Yunteng Lao*, Yinhai Wang, Zuo Zhang, Yi Zhang, and Zhiheng Li. “Modeling Freeway Incident Response Time: a Mechanism-based Approach.” Transportation Research Part C. Vol. 28, 87-100, 2013.
8. Cao*, Jing, Xiaoyue Liu*, Yinhai Wang, and Qingquan Li. “Accessibility Impacts of China’s High-Speed Rail Network.” Journal of Transport Geography. Vol. 28, 12-21, 2013.
9.  Liu*, Xiaoyue, Yinhai Wang, Bastian Schroeder, and Nagui Rouphail. “An Analytical Framework for Managed Lane Facility Performance Evaluation.” ITE Journal, Oct. 2012, 30-36.
10.  Wang*, Yong, Xiaolei Ma*, Yinhai Wang, Haijun Mao, and Yong Zhang. “Location Optimization of Multiple Distribution Centers Under Fuzzy Environment.” Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A. Vol. 13, Issue 10, 782-798, 2012.
11.  Lao*, Yunteng, Guohui Zhang*, Jonathan Corey*, and Yinhai Wang. “Gaussian Mixture Model-based Speed Estimation and Vehicle Classification Using Single Loop Measurements.” Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations. Vol. 16, Issue 4, 184-196, 2012.
12.  Ma*, Xiaolei, Yinhai Wang, Feng Chen, and Jianfeng Liu. “Transit Smart Card Data Mining for Passenger Origin Information Extraction.” Journal of Zhejiang University-Science C. Vol. 13, Issue 10, 750-760, 2012.
13.  Thomson*, Timothy, Xiaoyue Liu*, Yinhai Wang, Bastian Shroeder, and Nagui Rouphail. “Operational Performance and Speed-Flow Relationships for Basic Managed Lane Segments.” Transportation Research Record. No. 2286, 94-104, 2012.
14.  Shroeder, Bastian, Seyedbehzad Aghdashi, Nagui Rouphail, Xiaoyue Liu*, and Yinhai Wang. “Deterministic Approach to Modeling Managed Lanes on Extended HCM Freeway Facilities.” Transportation Research Record. No. 2286, 122-132, 2012.
15.  Cheevarunothai*, Patikhom, Guohui Zhang*, Jianyang Zheng*, Yinhai Wang, and Shi An. “Using Precise Time Offset to Improve Freeway Vehicle Delay Estimates.” Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations. Vol. 16, Issue 2, 82-93, 2012.
16.  Liu*, Xiaoyue, Guohui Zhang*, and Yinhai Wang. “Modeling Traffic Flow Dynamics on Managed Lane Facility: a Cell Transmission Model based Approach.” Transportation Research Record. No. 2278, 163-170, 2012.
17.  Liu*, Xiaoyue, Yinhai Wang, Bastian Shroeder, and Nagui Rouphail. “Quantifying Cross-Weave Impact on Capacity Reduction for Freeway Facilities with Managed Lanes.” Transportation Research Record. No. 2278, 171-179, 2012.
18.  Malinovskiy*, Yegor, Nicolas Saunier, and Yinhai Wang. “Pedestrian Travel Analysis Using Static Bluetooth Sensors.” Transportation Research Record. No. 2299, 137-149, 2012.
19.  Lao*, Yunteng, Yao-Jan Wu*, Yinhai Wang, and Kelly McAllister. “Fuzzy Logic-based Mapping Algorithm for Improving Animal-Vehicle Collision Data.” ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering. 138(5), 520�526, 2012.
20.  Wu*, Yao-Jan, Guohui Zhang*, and Yinhai Wang. “Link Journey Speed Estimation for Urban Arterial Performance Measurement using Advance Loop Detector Data under Congested Conditions.” ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering. 138(11), 1321-1332, 2012.
21.  Lao*, Yunteng, Yao-Jan Wu, Yinhai Wang, and Xiaoguang Yang. “Applicability of Single and Double Phase Midblock Crossings.” Proceedings of the ICE: Transport. Early view online at http://www.icevirtuallibrary.com/content/article/10.1680/tran.10.00027;jsessionid=1dsdmw7mhsxy7.x-telford-live-01, Nov. 2012.
22.  Lao*, Yunteng, Guohui Zhang*, Yao-Jan Wu*, and Yinhai Wang. “Modeling Animal-Vehicle Collisions Considering Animal-Vehicle Interactions.” Accident Analysis and Prevention. Issue 43, 1991-1998, 2011.
23.  Liu*, Xiaoyue, Bastian J. Schroeder, Timothy Thomson*, Yinhai Wang, Nagui Rouphail, and Yafeng Yin. “Analysis on Operational Interactions between Freeway Managed Lanes and Parallel General Purpose Lanes.” Transportation Research Record. No. 2262, 62-73. 2011.
24.  Ma*, Xiaolei, Edward McCormack, and Yinhai Wang. “Processing Commercial GPS Data to Develop a Web-based Freight Performance Measures Program.” Transportation Research Record No. 2246, 92-100, 2011.
25.  Corey*, Jonathan, Yunteng Lao*, Yao-Jan Wu*, and Yinhai Wang. “Detection and Correction of Inductive Loop Detector Sensitivity Errors Using Gaussian Mixture Models.” Transportation Research Record. No. 2256, 120-129, 2011.
26.  Liu*, Xiaoyue, Guohui Zhang*, Yunteng Lao*, and Yinhai Wang. “Quantifying the Attractiveness of High-Occupancy Toll Lanes with Traffic Sensor Data under Various Traffic Conditions.” Transportation Research Record. No. 2229, 102-109, 2011.
27.  Ma*, Xiaolei, Yao-Jan Wu*, and Yinhai Wang. “DRIVE Net: An E-Science Transportation Platform for Data Sharing, Visualization, Modeling, and Analysis.” Transportation Research Record. No. 2215, 37-49, 2011.
28.  Wu*, Yao-Jan, Xiaolei Ma*, and Yinhai Wang. “Development of Web-Based Arterial Network Analysis System for Real-Time Decision Making.” Transportation Research Record. No. 2215, 24-36, 2011.
29.  Wu*, Yao-Jan, Mark Hallenbeck, Yinhai Wang, and Kari Watkins. “Evaluation of Interaction between Arterial and Freeway Performance: Case Study.” ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering. Vol. 137, No. 8, 509-519, 2011.
30.  Lao*, Yunteng, Yao-Jan Wu*, Jonathan Corey*, and Yinhai Wang, “Modeling Animal-Vehicle Collisions Using Diagonal Inflated Bivariate Poisson Regression.” Accident Analysis and Prevention, Issue 43, 220-227, 2010.
31.  Wu*, Yao-Jan, Guohui Zhang*, and Yinhai Wang. “Volume Data Correction for Single-channel Advance Loop Detectors at Signalized Intersections.” Transportation Research Record, No. 2160, 128 � 139, 2010.
32.  Zhang*, Guohui and Yinhai Wang. “Optimizing Minimum and Maximum Green Time Settings for Traffic Actuated Control at Isolated Intersections.” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Issue 99, 1-10, 2010.
33.  Malinovskiy*, Yegor, Yao-Jan Wu*, and Yinhai Wang. “Video-Based Vehicle Detection and Tracking Using Spatiotemporal Maps.” Transportation Research Record, No. 2121, 81-89, 2009.
34.  Wu*, Yao-Jan and Yinhai Wang. “Interactive Web-based System for Urban Traffic Data Analysis.” International Journal of Web Applications. Vol. 1, No. 3, 115-126, 2009.
35.  Zhang*, Guohui, Shuming Yan, and Yinhai Wang. “Simulation-based Investigation on High Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lane Operations for Washington State Route 167.” ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering. Vol. 35, No. 10, 677-686, 2009.
36.  Zheng*, Jianyang, Guohui Zhang*, Yinhai Wang, and Pete Briglia. “Evaluation of Transit Signal Priority Using Observed and Simulated Data.” ITE Journal. Vol. 79, No. 11, 42-29, 2009.
37.  Yu*, Runze, Guohui Zhang* and Yinhai Wang. “Loop Detector Segmentation Error and Its Impacts on Traffic Speed Estimation.” Transportation Research Record 2099. 50-57. 2009.
38.  Malinovskiy*, Yegor, Jianyang Zheng*, and Yinhai Wang. “Model-Free Video Detection and Tracking of Pedestrians and Bicyclists.” Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol. 24, No. 3, 157-168, 2009.
39.  Yi, Ping, Chun Shao, and Yinhai Wang. “Piecewise Optimum Delay Estimation for Improved Signal Control.” Transportation Research Record 2080, 57-66, 2008.
40.  Malinovskiy*, Yegor, Yao-Jan Wu*, and Yinhai Wang. “Video-Based Monitoring of Pedestrian Movements at Signalized Intersections.” Transportation Research Record 2073, 11-17, 2008.
41.  Zhang*, Guohui, Yinhai Wang, Heng Wei, and Ping Yi. “A Feedback-Based Dynamic Tolling Algorithm for High Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lane Operations.” Transportation Research Record 2065, 54-63, 2008.
42.  Cheevarunothai*, Patikhom, Yinhai Wang, and Nancy L. Nihan. “Development of an Affordable Loop Detector Simulator (LOOPSIM) for In-Laboratory Traffic Research and Training.” Computer Applications in Engineering Education. Volume 16, Issue 1, 45-54, 2008.
43.  Zhang*, Guohui, Yinhai Wang, and Heng Wei. “Examining Headway Distribution Models Using Urban Freeway Loop Event Data.” Transportation Research Record, No. 1999. 141-149, 2007.
45.  Zhang*, Guohui, Ryan P. Avery*, and Yinhai Wang. “A Video-based Vehicle Detection and Classification System for Real-time Traffic Data Collection Using Uncalibrated Video Cameras.” Transportation Research Record, No. 1993. 138-147, 2007.
46.  Cheevarunothai*, Patikhom, Yinhai Wang, and Nancy Nihan. “Using Dual-Loop Event Data to Enhance Truck Data Accuracy.” Transportation Research Record, No. 1993. 131-137, 2007.
47.  Kim*, Joon-Ki, Yinhai Wang, and Gudmundur F. Ulfarsson. “Modeling the Probability of Freeway Rear-End Crash Occurrence.” ASCE Journal of the Transportation Engineering, Vol. 133 (1), 11-19, 2007.
48.  Zheng*, Jianyang, Yinhai Wang, Nancy L. Nihan, and Mark Hallenbeck. “Extracting Roadway Background Image: a Mode-Based Approach.” Transportation Research Record, No. 1944, 82-88, 2006.
49.  Cheevarunothai*, Patikhom, Yinhai Wang, and Nancy L. Nihan. “Identification and Correction of Dual-Loop Sensitivity Problems.” Transportation Research Record, No. 1945, 73-81, 2006.
50.  Zhang*, Guohui, Yinhai Wang, and Heng Wei. “Artificial Neural Network Method for Length-Based Vehicle Classification Using Single-Loop Outputs.” Transportation Research Record, No. 1945, 100-108, 2006.
51.  Zheng*, Jianyang, Yinhai Wang, Nancy L. Nihan, and Mark Hallenbeck. “Detecting Cycle Failures at Signalized Intersections Using Video Image Processing.” Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol. 21(6), 425-435, 2006.
52. Tao, Ruihua, Heng Wei, Yinhai Wang, and Virginia P. Sisiopiku. “Modeling Speed Disturbance Absorption Following State-Control Action-Expected Chains: Integrated Car-Following and Lane-Changing Scenarios.” Transportation Research Record, No. 1934, 83-93, 2005.
53. Zhang, Xiaoping, Nancy L. Nihan, and Yinhai Wang. “Improved Dual-Loop Detection System for Collecting Real-Time Truck Data.” Transportation Research Record, No. 1917, 108-115, 2005.
54. Zhang, Xiaoping, Yinhai Wang, Nancy L. Nihan, and Hu Dong. “Monitoring a Freeway Network in Real-Time Using Single-Loop Detectors: System Design and Implementation.” the International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems, Vol. 1, No.1/2, 119-130, 2005.
55. Wang, Yinhai and Nancy L. Nihan. “Dynamic Estimation of Freeway Large Truck Volume Based on Single Loop Measurements.” Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations, Vol. 8 (3), 133-141, 2004.
56. Wang, Yinhai and Nancy L. Nihan. “Estimating the Risk of Collisions between Bicycles and Motor Vehicles at Signalized Intersections.” Accident Analysis and Prevention 36(3), 313-321, 2004.
57. Zhang, Xiaoping, Yinhai Wang, Nancy L. Nihan, and Mark Hallenbeck. “Development of a System for Collecting Loop Detector Event Data for Individual Vehicles.” Transportation Research Record, No. 1855, 168-175, 2003.
58. Wang, Yinhai, Hitoshi Ieda, and Fred L. Mannering. “Estimating Rear-End Accident Probabilities at Signalized Intersections: An Occurrence-Mechanism Approach.” ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 129(4), 1-8, 2003.
59. Wang, Yinhai, and Nancy L. Nihan. “Can Single-Loop Detectors Do the Work of Dual-Loop Detectors?” ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 129(2), 169 - 176, 2003.
60. Wei, Heng, Yinhai Wang, and Qixin Shi. “Basics of ITS Standards and Their Requirements Packages.” Journal of Intelligent Transportation systems (in Chinese), Vol. 12, No. 2, 11-15, 2002.
61. Wang, Yinhai, Heng Wei, and Qixin Shi. “Introduction to the National ITS Architecture of the US.” Journal of Intelligent Transportation systems (in Chinese), Vol. 11, No. 1, 2002, 6-10.
62. Wang, Yinhai, Heng Wei, and Qixin Shi. “Current Status for ITS National Architecture Development.” Journal of Intelligent Transportation systems (in Chinese), Vol. 9, No. 3, 9-16, 2001.
63. Wang, Yinhai, and Nancy L. Nihan. “Freeway Speed Estimation Using Single Loop Outputs.” Transportation Research Record, No. 1727, 120-126, 2000.
64. Wang, Yinhai and Hitoshi Ieda. “Effects of Drivers’ Age, Flow Rate and Some Other Road Environment Related Factors on Traffic Accidents at Four-Legged Signalized Intersections.” Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.2, No. 5, 1723-1734, 1997.
65. Wang, Yinhai, and Zuoyuan Wang. “A Study on Flood Destroyed Houses in Anhui Province.” Disaster Reduction in China (in Chinese), Vol. 10, No. 4, 27-30, 1995.
66. Ye, Zhenxiang, Zuoyuan Wang, Yinhai Wang, and Dongming Chen. “Shou Town’s Planning and Flood Prevention.” Disaster Reduction in China (in Chinese), Vol. 10, No.1, 21-23, 1995.
67. Wang, Yinhai, Qixin Shi, and Rongpeng Xia. “A Cost Comparison between the Prefabricated Reinforced Concrete BOX Structure and the Masonry Structure.” Journal of Southeast University, Vol. 11, No. 1A, 330-335, Oct. 1995.
68. Shi, Qixin, Xiangdong Wu, and Yinhai Wang. “A Dynamic Analysis on Pre-stressed Concrete Bridges with Continuous Curvaceous Beams under Earthquake Loads.” Engineering Mechanics, special issue for the 2nd national conference on structural engineering (in Chinese), 1110-1116, 1994.